Monday, January 11, 2010

Nys Dmv Eye Test Waiting At The DMV For A License Renewal?

Waiting at the DMV for a License Renewal? - nys dmv eye test

Can I shorten my waiting time at DMV New York State (Garden City) for an eye test before hand and then carried out by a doctor (the form with me and not always checking the view)?

I often repeat online, but I have a picture taken that was because my present is 12 years.


Anonymous said...

You can do it, but your schedule will be the same. When you arrive at the window, the clerk will ask about your "eye test" and when I performed by a doctor. If not, he / she will test. The new image? Tell the front desk there is a photo when your "Qmatic" stickers, otherwise Next is asked, "do not just think about the station photos. It will take longer. If your eye examination after. It will cost money unnecessarily. With the exception of the blind and do not want a negative mark on your license. Thus this case. Just go to the window and renew your license and take the picture and investigations of the right eye in the office. Simple. Good luck

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