Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wiriing Diagram For Alpine Anybody Have Any Ideas Why The Lights Would Go On My Mikilon Motorbike?

Anybody have any ideas why the lights would go on my Mikilon Motorbike? - wiriing diagram for alpine

All the lights on my bike MIKILON 125, the works and the engine starts, but the lights (is), including indicators do not work, has failed. Has anyone wiriing a chart or a website I can find help.


Andy Pandy said...

His technical knowledge tells me to tell you to ride the bike from a dealer or car could cost a lot of money. If you do not get to know someone to show you how long the blindness in the dark (excuse the pun) 1. Stop, a manual, if you can not buy you a few hands. You also need to test instruments, meters and other things to consider before you consider the problem worse.

Buster Brown said...

For a fuse that has blown into the air, then a bad connection, perhaps a compromise.

king_ogg... said...

could be a blown fuse or a wire boken modification of part or dirty

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